Think of us as your “virtual” marketing and strategy department.

Initial branding and launches. Market research and analysis. Content strategy and user experience. Communications and marketing program management. Strategic planning and measurement.

We develop marketing communications and organizational strategies that help organizations develop, grow, and thrive.

Communications. Strategy. Brainpower.


Using a team of senior subject matter experts, Crainium develops marketing communications and organizational strategies for nonprofits and emerging organizations. No matter what the assignment, we work to establish a win-win approach that meets your organization’s goals and budget.

Marketing Communications

Marketing Communications

  • Branding and corporate identity
  • Full-service marketing communications
  • Content development & strategy
  • Development and fundraising

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

  • Market research and feasibility studies
  • Go-to-market strategy
  • Program development
  • Project management
  • Performance measurement

Learning & Development

Organizational Development

  • Corporate culture and leadership coaching
  • User experience and customer engagement
  • Vision casting and value formation
  • Workshop development and facilitation


We take a four-step approach to problem solving.


Every assignment begins with a kickoff meeting which informs our intensive discovery process. We get to know your organization—inside out and outside in. We talk with your leadership, your staff, your customers, your partners, and sometimes, even your competitors. We review your strategic plans, key documents, prior activities, and outcomes. We study your market and industry trends.


Next, we develop an action plan. We work to establish clear and consistent goals, messaging, workplans, and performance measures. Our experience includes a wide range of activities, including organizational positioning and new launches, SWOT and root cause analysis, market research, segmentation, and more. Deliverables take the form of planning documents—business plans, strategic plans, marketing plans, project plans—that are revised from your source documents or built from the ground up.


Even the best plans easily fall short with poor execution. That’s why we pride ourselves on putting together teams that deliver your desired results. Once your plan is in place, we perform as much, or as little, of the execution as you need. If you don’t have in-house resources, we can act as your implementation team or outsourced marketing and strategy department. If you do have internal staff, we can act as a supervisory or supplemental team, providing consultative or specialized support.


You’ve heard the adage “what gets measured gets managed.” Well, we start and end each project with a clear set of expectations and goals, and we set key performance indicators that can be measured periodically and over time. We want to know how you define success—and then we work to measure it, again and again. Evaluation is the “wash, rinse, repeat” cycle of strong programs and healthy organizations.


Nothing gets us more excited than sharing our clients’ stories—and sharing in their successes.


Create a world-class website—fast

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AIM Initiative

AIM Initiative

Introduce an innovative tool to help those affected by neglected tropical diseases

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FaithBridge Foster Care

Launch brand and meet evolving organizational needs

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News University

Generate buzz and maintain momentum

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In addition, team members have collaborated with many other great organizations—too many to name, in fact. Here are just a few that we have served individually or collectively.

American Leprosy Missions
FaithBridge Foster Care
Georgia Bio
International Coalition for Trachoma Control
James S. and John L. Knight Foundation
NewsU / The Poynter Institute
The Nielsen Company
Task Force for Global Health
The Coca-Cola Company
TMS Global


Get to know us.

Susan Crain, CCNL

Susan Crain, CCNL — Founder and Managing Principal

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Crainium Consortium

Crainium Consortium

Simply put, Crainium Consortium is our brain trust.

Our work is made possible through a best-in-class cadre of senior practitioners, each with more than 20 years’ experience in their areas of expertise.

Each sharpens their talents both within, and outside of, their consulting work with Crainium. We’re a group who believes in lifelong learning and giving back. Each of us hopes to make a meaningful difference, professionally and personally, in our communities and world.

Meet our core team—and rest assured, we have other bright minds that contribute when needed.

Karen Caswell, MBA — Business Analyst and Market Researcher

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Kathleen Turaski — Creative Director and Graphic Designer

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Tracy Proell — Seasoned Marketer and Social Media Maven

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Reach out to talk to us about how we might be able to assist your organization…or to ask us anything else.

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© 2022 Crainium is a d/b/a of LTV Marketing, Inc.