NewsU A Poynter Project

Generate buzz and maintain momentum


Yes, that’s what they asked us to do.

Susan and Tracy were the marketing team that helped to launch NewsU ( back in 2005 when there were 4,000 registered users, and Paige was one of its first interactive learning producers. Over time, our multi-year relationship grew to encompass virtually all aspects of marketing communications and strategic planning at one point or another. And we had lots of fun and won awards along the way.

  • Branding and marketing launch
  • Promotional campaigns (numerous)
  • Email marketing and social media posts
  • Event and tradeshow strategies
  • Ongoing marketing communications consulting
  • Strategic planning and reporting for funders


Seven years. After an initial six-month engagement, we were retained as a virtual marketing department for ongoing counsel and execution.


In its first year, NewsU’s registration rates exceeded expectations, which meant accolades and funding followed. Twice, our work won national awards from Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), receiving honors for campaigns at tradeshows and exhibitions and the promotion of tutorial programs. Today, NewsU features the world’s largest online journalism curriculum in seven languages, with more than 400 courses, and more than 350,000 registered users in 200 countries. It’s no wonder that Poynter’s News University is now considered one of the world’s most innovative online journalism and media training programs ever created—and we were there, at its start and its zenith.

NewsU A Poynter Project
NewsU A Poynter Project
NewsU A Poynter Project

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